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Mae gweithdai Caredig i'r Meddwl yn cefnogi plant i ddatblygu sgiliau ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar a synhwyr o le yn y byd trwy chwarae creadigol. 


Kind to the Mind workshops support children in developing mindfulness, confidence and a sense of place in the world through creative play.​


Rydym yn cydweithio gyda thîm arbennig Oriel Davies ers 2020, ac yn cynnig blociau o weithdai i blant a phobl ifanc yn ffocysu ar y broses creadigol a buddianau bod yn greadigol ar ein iechyd a llês. Mae'r berthynas rhyngom ni, yr oriel a mynychwyr y gweithdai wedi datblygu ac esblygu ac rydym yn falch iawn o'r darpariaeth yma. 




We have collaborated with the wonderful team at Oriel Davies since 2020, and offer block of workshop for children and young people, focusing on the creative process and the benefits of being creative for your wellbeing. The relationship between us, the gallery and the participants has developed and evolved and we are very proud to be offering this provision. 

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