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​Bwriad ‘Plan Bee’ yw i godi ymwybyddiaeth am bwysigrwydd peillwyr trwy gyfres o weithdai, tripiau a digwyddiadau gyda chroeso i bawb o bob oed.


‘Plan Bee’ aimed to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators through a series of intergenerational community workshops, trips and events.​ 


Mae ENNYN CIC wedi derbyn bron i £5000 gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr I gynnal prosiect yn llanbrynmair yn ystod 2020.


Bwriad ‘Plan Bee’ oedd i godi ymwybyddiaeth am bwysigrwydd peillwyr trwy gyfres o weithdai, tripiau a digwyddiadau gyda chroeso i bawb o bob oed.  Bydd rhain yn cynnwys gweithio gyda Helyg, darlunio, argraffu, brodwaith, troi coed,  ‘whittling’, gweithgareddau allgyrsiol I blant, sgyrsiau gan bobl leol, plannu coed, cyngor ar wenyn, creu corridor gwenyn gan arddio yn rheolaidd.




Ennyn CIC received nearly £5k in National Lottery Community Grant funding towards a project to take place in Llanbrynmair over 2020.


‘Plan Bee’ aimed to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators through a series of intergenerational community workshops, trips and events.


Before lockdown, we planned to run workshops exploring willow, illustration, printing, embroidery, wood-turning and carving; extra-curricular activities for children; talks by local people, tree planting, bee advice, and the creation of a ‘bee corridor’ through a regular gardening group. We wanted to reach out to all members of the community, particularly those who might feel lonely or isolated.



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